Goals & Priorities

The Office of Campus Sustainability is working toward university goals across a range of operational and cultural areas, including climate action, waste reduction, sustainable and resilient grounds, and more.

2025 Goals

Since the first sustainability goals were established for the Ann Arbor campus in 2011, OCS has been responsible for facilitating efforts to meet the goals and reporting on progress, and has headed up work on energy management and waste reduction. 

This set of goals is now sunsetting. Learn about the outcomes of the 2025 goals and plans for future goals on these topics. 

Climate Action

OCS is a key player in universitywide efforts to achieve carbon neutrality. Learn more about U-M’s carbon neutrality goals, priorities, and progress on the Planet Blue site. 

Rising to the challenge of reducing emissions to zero encompasses all parts of the U-M community. OCS is leading several climate action projects, including:

  • Scope 3 Emissions Analysis and Planning
  • Sustainable Design Guidelines Review