How to Get Compost Service in Your Staff Kitchen
Sustainable purchasing is a key step in creating a sustainable workplace (see Sustainable Kitchens below!), but staff kitchens still generate waste. We can provide compost collection bins, compostable liners, and signage in staff kitchens belonging to departments who commit to using only reusable and/or compostable plates, cups and utensils.*
*Currently, this option is not available to Michigan Medicine or leased spaces.
Our staff will:
- Evaluate your space and needs to identify the proper compost bin and placement.
- Review current and potential purchasing practices to reduce waste in your kitchen.
- Provide training so everyone feels comfortable knowing what goes into landfill, recycling and compost collection bins.
Best of all, the program is FREE! Email [email protected] to get started.
Zero Waste Kitchen Resources
Sustainable Kitchens
Take your kitchen beyond zero waste with these resources:
- Sustainable kitchen supplies – Did you know that what you buy for your staff kitchen contributes to U-M’s waste reduction and sustainable food goals? Browse through our curated list of items available through MMarketsite that have been given a sustainability rating based on attributes such as bulk, compostable, fair trade, organic, local, etc. (Click cell H4 to change the type of product or Row 2 to look at reusable or compostable kitchenware.)
- Sustainable kitchen tips – Easy tips to follow to reduce the environmental impact of your staff kitchen.
- Sustainable Kitchen Workshop – In February 2024 we co-hosted a workshop with LSA & PBA on sustainable kitchens.